Enter the Date you would like to change the ToDo items in the Calendar. Hit the Tab Key for a Pop Up Calendar to select a date from. ENTER TO EXIT HELP QUERY TABLE ESC to Exit back to Menu UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer PAGE UP/DWN scroll one screen CTRL PG UP/DWN scroll to begining or end ENTER KEY to change record DELETE KEY to delete record Will Receive Mass Letters No Insert Allowed on This Table F3 - AUTO DIALER - Will dial Contact Phone 1 where the pointer is located and take you to the Contact Update Form. SHIFT/F3 - Record incoming phone call F5 - MARK/UNMARK - Will Mark or Unmark Contacts to receive Letters when doing Mass Mailings. Does not effect the Send Letters field in the Contact record. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _1^^__ _1^^__ _1^^__ All History equal to or older than this date will be deleted from the data file. Hit the Tab Key for a Pop Up Calendar to select a date from. ENTER TO EXIT HELP All Notes equal to or older than this date will be deleted from the data file. Hit the Tab Key for a Pop Up Calendar to select a date from. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the name of the Contact for the Appointment If you are entering this Appointment from the CONTACT form - the information will be filled in for you. It will fill Salutation, Firstname, and Lastname. (Mr. John Smith) ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter an Extension Number or any four characters you wish. eg. "1234" or "HOME" or "CAR" etc ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the name of the Company for the Appointment If you are entering this Appointment from the CONTACT form - the information will be filled in for you. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the Street Address for the Appointment If you are entering this Appointment from the CONTACT form - the information will be filled in for you. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the City - State - ZIP for the Appointment If you are entering this Appointment from the CONTACT form - the information will be filled in for you. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the Company Phone number for the Appointment If you are entering this Appointment from the CONTACT form - the information will be filled in for you. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the Contact Phone Number for the Appointment If you are entering this Appointment from the CONTACT form - the information will be filled in for you. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the Appointment Date in the form MM/DD/YR. Hit the TAB KEY to Pop Up a Calendar and select a date from the Calendar. NOTE:The Date of the Appointment will be stored in the Contact History file - but only if this appoint ment is entered from the Contact Form. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ Enter the time of the Appointment. Enter in 24 hr. format. You do not have to put the ":" in. 1pm = 1300 2:30pm = 1430 10am = 1 ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter any Comment for this Appointment A comment could be directions to their office, Agenda for meeting, others attending, etc. NOTE:The first line of this comment will be stored in the Contact History file and appear on the Schedule. An agenda for meeting would be appro- priate here. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ &<-- Enter the Attention string for your modem. ?Use 'AT' if using a Hayes compatible modem. Enter the Baud rate of your modem. HOT_MENU BUILD NEW SCHEDULE Selecting this option will first search through all your Contacts, Appointments and Personal ToDo's and create a Schedule File. The Schedule File contains the pointers to all your dated activity such as NEXT CONTACT DATES, FOLLOW UP DATES, APPOINTMENTS, AND PERSONAL TODO'S. After the file is built - you may then select the Calendar or Table Views to work with the Schedule. As you create additional dates in the master records, you should rebuild the Schedule to keep it current. As you work with the Schedule, you may view/change/delete records or add Appointments and Personal ToDo's. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP CALENDAR ARROW KEYS to move by day and week PAGE UP/DWN to move one Month ^PAGE UP/DWN to move one Year ^HOME to return to Today's Date ENTER view Appointments/Schedule for that Day ^ equals CONTROL KEY ENTER TO EXIT HELP &<-- Enter 'Y' to use the Auto Dial Feature of the software. 2Enter 'N' if you do not wish to use the Auto Dial Feature. -You must have a Modem connected to use the Auto Dialer *<-- Enter your Area code. This will be used to determine if the number being dialed is a local call or a long distance call. ?If using the Autodialer while trav- eling - change to your area code for proper auto dialing. Enter the name of the Company if applicable. If this field is left blank, this CONTACT will not be displayed in the CONTACT / COMPANY table. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the Next Contact Date in the form MM/DD/YR. Hit the TAB KEY to Pop Up a Calendar and select a date from the Calendar. NOTE:If this field in filled in, this Contact will appear on the SCHEDULE. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ Enter the first few characters of a user definable description and hit the ENTER key. A table will Pop Up with the pointer bar close to your descrip- tion. To add a new description, hit the INSERT key when the table is displayed. If you do not wish to enter descriptions hit the ENTER key with this field blank. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the Last Name of the Contact. If this field is blank - when the software does letters - the POSITION will be used for the recipient of the letter. Also if this field is blank - the CONTACT will not display in the CONTACT / LAST NAME table. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the First Name of the Contact. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the Middle Initial of the Contact. This field will automatically go to CAPS mode. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the appropriate salutation. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the Suite Building or PO Box number. eg. Suite 100 or P.O.Box 255G or Building #4 etc. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter an "L" for Last Name or "F" for First Name. When printing letters - the first or last name will print in the Salutation, depending on the contents of this field. The default is "L". ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the third phone number of the Company. Do not put the dashes "-" in, they will be automatic. eg. 904 1212 will come out to be 904- -1212 ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the phone extension or four character note. eg. 1234 HOME CAR WORK etc ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the Position of the Contact if it applies. This field will print on Letters as the recipient if the Last Name field is left blank. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter a "Y" if this CONTACT is to receive letters when printing MASS letters. Enter a "N" if you do not wish this CONTACT to receive a letter. NOTE:This field only applies to MASS mailings. You can send a single letter to any PRIMARY CONTACT - regardless of this setting. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ Enter a COMMENT for the Next Contact Date. This Comment will appear on the SCHEDULE. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter a COMMENT for the Last Contact Date. If the Auto Dialer is used - this field is updated after the Result of the Phone Call is entered. NOTE:If you use the Auto Dial feature of the soft- ware - this field is updated automatically after the result of the phone call is entered. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ Enter the Street Address ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the City name. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the State two letter abrv. This field will automatically go to CAPS. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the ZIP Code or CANADIAN Postal Code ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the first phone number for this CONTACT. do not include the "-" they will be automatic. eg. 904 1212 will come out to be 904- -1212 NOTES ON USING AUTODIALER - This is the number that will be dialed by hitting the F3 Key to activate the autodialer. If this is a local number, the area code should also be entered (helpful in mak- ing range selections from the Query Menu). The software will ask you if this number is long dis- tance within your home area code. If the area code does not match your home area code, the soft- ware will assume the call is long distance. If using STAY IN TOUCH while traveling - change the Home Area Code in System Configuration and the software will dial the proper prefix. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ Enter the second phone number for this Contact. Do not include the dashes "-" in, they will be automatic. eg. 904 1212 will come out to be 904- -1212 ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the Last Contact Date in the form MM/DD/YR. Hit the TAB KEY to Pop Up a Calendar and select a date from the Calendar. NOTE: If you use the Auto Dial Feature of the software - this field is updated automatically after the result of the phone call is entered. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^__ Enter the Last Name of this OTHER CONTACT. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter an Extension Number or any four characters you wish. eg. "1234" or "HOME" or "CAR" etc ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter any Comment you would like to make about this Contact. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the First Name of this OTHER CONTACT. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the Middle Initial of the Contact. The Software will select CAPS for this field ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter a Salutation. eg. Mr. Ms. Dr. etc ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the Position or Relationship of this OTHER CONTACT. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter a Contact Phone number if different from the Phone Number 1 of the Primary CONTACT record. If this field is left blank - it will default to the Phone Number 1 of the Primary CONTACT. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the Country Name for this Contact or leave blank. Will print on Labels if not blank. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the name you gave the Database when this report was designed in the Optional Report Writer Package. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the path name where the Database Defin- intion is located. eg \sit\ or D:\Data\ etc. This field may be left blank if the Database Definintion is located in the current directory. ENTER TO EXIT HELP '<-- Enter the number of data bits. Use '8' if unsure. DATE SELECTION CALENDAR ARROW KEYS to move by day and week PAGE UP/DWN to move one Month ^PAGE UP/DWN to move one Year ^HOME to return to Today's Date ENTER KEY to Select Date ESC KEY to Exit Calendar ENTER TO EXIT HELP HUTHELP HISTORY DELETE This procedure will delete all Old History Records that are equal to or older than the date input. It will then Pack the file - making it as small as possible. For very large files this could take awhile. Also you should back-up your data files before running this procedure. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP PTUTHELP NOTES DELETE This procedure will delete all Old Note Records that are equal to or older than the date input. It will then Pack the file - making it as small as possible. For very large files this could take awhile. Also you should back-up your data files before running this procedure. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP (<-- Enter the String to use to dial your modem. CUse 'ATDT' for a Hayes Compatible modem. Or, 'ATDT9,' if you need to dial 9 to reach an outside line. Enter a Description to be used in the Description fields of the CONTACT record. Give careful thought to your use of Description Names. This will give you greater flexibility when doing inquires and Letters based on Description String searches. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the Date in the form MM/DD/YR Follow Up. Hit the TAB KEY to Pop Up a Calendar and select a date from the Calendar. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the Action for this Follow Up Call. This could be, what you intend to accomplish on this call. This Follow Up will appear on the SCHEDULE. ENTER TO EXIT HELP FOLLOW-UP ESC to Exit back to Menu UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer PAGE UP/DWN scroll one screen CTRL PG UP/DWN scroll to begining or end ENTER KEY to change record INSERT KEY to add record DELETE KEY to delete record NOTE: These are the dates in which you would like to Follow Up with this Contact on a reg- ular basis. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _1^^__ teMORE_MEN FOLLOW-UP Selecting this option will give you a table at the bottom of the screen, listing all Follow-Up dates and Comments for this Contact. If you have many Dates in which you would like call this Contact, keep them here. You may also use this area instead of the Next Call Date Field. NOTE:Info in this file will appear on the SCHEDULE. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP GENERAL SYSTEM HELP STAY IN TOUCH is composed of FORMS, TABLES, MENUS and REPORTS. This HELP Screen will tell you how to use the keyboard for these components. FORMS - Move from Field to Field = Up/Dwn Arrow Keys, Tab Key, Enter Key Erase a field = Backspace or Ctrl/End Date Fields = Tab Key to select Date from Pop-up Calendar Exit Form = Esc Key on 1st field or Ctrl/Esc anywhere else Update a Form = Enter Key on last field or Ctrl/Enter anywhere else TABLES - Move up/dwn table = Up/Dwn Arrow Keys or Page Up / Page Down Select or Update = Enter Key on Highlighted Record Adding Records = Insert Key Deleting Records = Delete Key on Highlighted Record Copy Record = Ctrl/C Copies Highlighted Record (With Editing) Locate Record = Type first few characters (where applies) Exit Table = Esc Key or Ctrl/Esc MENUS - Highlighting Item = Up/Dwn Arrow Keys or 1st letter of Item Selecting Item = Enter Key when Item Highlighted or 1st letter Hit the F2 Key for a PopUp Calendar or F6 Key for PopUp Calculator anywhere within the program ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP _N^^__ _7^^_ _:^^__ UTHELP GO TO DOS Selecting this options will shell out to the DOS prompt. You may then run any DOS command or Program you desire. Type "Exit" to return to STAY IN TOUCH. IMPORTANT: If you change directories - make sure you return to this directory before typing "Exit" or the program will look for its data files in the directory in which you typed "Exit". If it doesn't find data files in that directory - it will create new empty data files. Therefore, if you wish to create seperate Contact Databases - using this pro- cedure is a good method of switching between them. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP _1^^__ RPTMENU HISTORY ANALYSIS REPORT Selecting this option will give you an analysis report of all your Appointments, Phone Calls and Letters stored in the History File. The report will show the total for each item and a grand total of al items. Prior to printing, a form will pop up asking for a date range - Transactions that fall within this range will be included on the report. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP Select the Activity for Display by using the LEFT/RIGHT ARROW KEYS or Entering 1st Letter. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^__ Enter the Date in the form MM/DD/YR or hit the TAB KEY to Pop Up a Calendar and select a date from the Calendar. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the results from this activity. This comment will be stored in the Contact History file, along with today's Date and the proper Activity. NOTE:You can view and change the History File by hitting the F10 key from the Primary Contact form and selecting History from the Activity Menu. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ nRPTMENU SCHEDULE REPORT Selecting this option will print a report of your current Schedule. If you're not sure if the schedule file is current, you should build the Schedule before printing the report. Select Schedule from the Main Menu and then select Build Schedule. Also, after selecting this option a form will pop up requesting a date range for the report. Only the items falling within this date range will be included in the report. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP CVHOTC TVHOT BBHOT PMENU8 SCHEDULE Calendar Display Table Display Build New Schedule Personal ToDo ENTER FOR SELECTION ESC TO EXIT HELP !SCHEDULE ESC go back to Menu UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer LFT/RGHT KEYS moves one day (Calendar Display Only) PAGE UP/DWN scroll one screen CTRL PG UP/DWN scroll to begining or end ENTER KEY to change primary record DELETE KEY to delete Record or Blank Next Contact Date INSERT KEY to add Appointments CTRL/P to add Personal ToDo's ENTER to View/Change the Primary Record. A change will be immediatly reflected on the Schedule. If Calendar accessed from the Contact Form - Only Appointments and ToDos may be accessed. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _I^^_ !<-- Enter your long distance dialing prefix. 1Use '1' if unsure. Enter a Description for this letter. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the body of the letter. Insert Key - Toggles Insert Mode on/off Delete Key - Deletes Character in front of cursor Backspace - Deletes Character behind cursor Ctrl/End - Deletes from cursor to end of line Ctrl/Esc - Aborts Letter Ctrl/Enter - Saves Letter (also Enter on last line) Word Wrap - Automatic Letter may be two pages in length and will pagin- ate when printed. Margins are Top 1.5 in., Bottom 1 in. and Left/Right 1 in. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ _)^^_ _)^^_ _*^^_ _+^^_ _+^^_ _)^^_ -<-- If you DO NOT use pre-printed letter <-- head - Use these 5 lines and the soft- <-- ware will print them at the top of <-- each letter. &<-- If the Area Code needs to be dialed for Local Long Distance answer 'Y' and the Auto Dialer will dial the Long Distance Prefix plus the Area Code. 0Otherwise answer 'N' tRPTMENU LTR/LBL TO LAST QUERY Selecting this option will first ask you if you want to sent letters or labels and allow you to choose a letter if letters are selected. It will then print letters or labels to all contacts on the Query Table. The history file for each contact will also be updated when letters are printed or printed to disk. NOTE:Set your matrix printer for 10cpi and letter quality mode. Set form length for 60 lines per page. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP _<^^__ RPTMENU MAINTENANCE LETTERS Selecting this option will display a table of all your letters. You may then Add/Change/Delete letters from the table. Full text editing capabilities are included when editing letters. Use the Help Key (F1) to review the editing capabilities. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP sRPTMENU PHONE DIRECTORY Selecting this option will give you a report of all your Primary Contacts, sorted by last name. The report will also include the Company Name and the first two phone numbers in the Primary Contact record. The report will print one line per contact. You may send the report to the screen, printer or a disk file. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP aRPTMENU PRINT APPOINTMENTS Selecting this option will give you a report of all your appointments for a selected date range. Selecting this option will first pop-up a form requesting a date range for the report. The report will then print all details of the appointment sorted by date. You can send the report to the screen, printer or disk file. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP Enter the Starting Date in the form MM/DD/YR. Hit the TAB KEY to Pop Up a Calendar and select a date from the Calendar. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Records will be selected that are Equal to or Greater than the input of this field. Leave this field blank and the software will automatically supply the lowest possible value for you. NOTE:In the selection process - Capital letters come before small letters. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ Records will be selected that are Equal to or Less than the input of this field. Leave this field blank and the software will automatically supply the highest possible value for you. NOTE:In the selection process - Capital letters come before small letters. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ Records will be selected that are Equal to or Greater than the input of this field. Leave this field blank and the software will automatically supply the lowest possible value for you. NOTE:In the selection process - Capital letters come before small letters. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ Records will be selected that are Equal to or Greater than the input of this field. Leave this field blank and the software will automatically supply the lowest possible value for you. NOTE:In the selection process - Capital letters come before small letters. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ Records will be selected that are Equal to or Less than the input of this field. Leave this field blank and the software will automatically supply the highest possible value for you. NOTE:In the selection process - Capital letters come before small letters. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ Enter a Case Sensitive string of characters. CONTACT's that have this string of characters in one of their descriptions will be EXCLUDED from the Selection List. Leave this field Blank if you DO NOT wish to Exclude Descriptions. EXAMPLE A string of "Cust" will exclude: Spectra Hardware Customer Spectra Software Customer Prospect Custom Software It WILL NOT exclude: Spectra Hardware customer Spectra Software customer NOTE: The F10 Key will bring up a Table of your Descriptions for selection. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ Records will be selected that are Equal to or Greater than the input of this field. Leave this field blank and the software will automatically supply the lowest possible value for you. NOTE:In the selection process - Capital letters come before small letters. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ Records will be selected that are Equal to or Less than the input of this field. Leave this field blank and the software will automatically supply the highest possible value for you. NOTE:In the selection process - Capital letters come before small letters. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ If you just want to print Labels - select "Y". If you want to print Letters - select "N". ENTER TO EXIT HELP If you wish to show only contacts where the next contact date is blank - answer 'Y' to this field. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter an "A" for AM or "P" for PM. You do not have to press the ENTER key. ENTER TO EXIT HELP If you wish to show only the contacts where the Last Contact Date if Blank - answer 'Y' to this field. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the time of the Appointment. You do not have to input the ":" . NOTE:If this Appointment is entered off the Contact Form - this time will be stored in the Contact History File. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _%^^_ You may select contacts that include One of the Descriptions you input below by selecting ONE. If you wish to select contacts where each contact contains ALL of the descriptions input below, then answer ALL to this field. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the Ending Date in the form MM/DD/YR. Hit the TAB KEY to Pop Up a Calendar and select a date from the Calendar. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the first few characters of one of your Descriptions - or - enter a ? and a Table of the Descriptions will pop up for your selection. On the DESC STRING field (1st field) you may enter any part of a description string. Press the F10 key to pop up a table of your descriptions. Only fill in the fields needed. The others may be left blank. NOTE: The Description search is Case Sensitive. So if searching for "Prospect" - the search will not find "prospect" in a Contacts Descriptions. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ Records will be selected that are Equal to or Greater than the input of this field. Leave this field blank and the software will automatically supply the lowest possible value for you. NOTE:In the selection process - Capital letters come before small letters. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ Records will be selected that are Equal to or Less than the input of this field. Leave this field blank and the software will automatically supply the highest possible value for you. NOTE:In the selection process - Capital letters come before small letters. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ Records will be selected that are Equal to or Greater than the input of this field. Leave this field blank and the software will automatically supply the lowest possible value for you. NOTE:In the selection process - Capital letters come before small letters. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ Records will be selected that are Equal to or Less than the input of this field. Leave this field blank and the software will automatically supply the highest possible value for you. NOTE:In the selection process - Capital letters come before small letters. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ Records will be selected that are Equal to or Less than the input of this field. Leave this field blank and the software will automatically supply the highest possible value for you. NOTE:In the selection process - Capital letters come before small letters. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _4^^_ LMENU1 CMENU2 ZMENU3 OMENU12 CONTACTS Last Name Company Name ZIP Code Other Contacts ENTER FOR SELECTION ESC TO EXIT HELP GEN1 Contacts - Display and work with your Primary and Other Contacts. Schedule - Display a Calendar or Table view of your Appointments and ToDo's. Query - Query your database of contacts based on user definable descrip- tions and ranges such as City, State, Zip, Phone etc. Also allow you to view the call history for phone calls, letters and app- ointments. Print - Print various reports and send letters to your contacts. Letters based on same criteria as the Query Selections. Letter Main- tenance is also included for setting up standard letters. Reports created with the Optional Report Writer may also be run. Utilities - Various functions like shelling to DOS or your favorite program. Also provides for mass changing of ToDo items on the Calendar and deletion of old Notes and History. Exit - Exits from Stay In Touch after confirmation. HIT ENTER FOR MORE HELP _N^^_ _N^^_ _N^^_ _N^^_ ^ _^^ _N^^_ PPLST OML1 AML2 SML3 MANY LETTERS Print Last Selection Print Using New Selection ONE Description of Four ALL Descriptions of Four Select Using Ranges ENTER TO SELECT ESC TO EXIT HELP Block Operations Marking a Block: Press the key to start marking (either characters or lines) and move the cursor to mark the desired block of text. Press the same key to stop the marking. The block will be "marked". Moving/Copying: After marking a block (see above) move the cursor to the new position for the block and press the key for either Moving or Copying. Deleting: After marking a block (see above), press the key for deleting and the block will be removed. Un-Marking: Press the same key used to mark the block. The block will be "un-marked". erMEMEDIT2 Editing Keys Home Go to Beginning of Line Tab Go to Next Tab Stop End Go to End of Line Ctrl-PgUp Go to Top Line PgUp Go to Previous Screen Ctrl-PgDn Go to Last Line PgDn Go to Next Screen Ctrl-End Erase to End of Line Ins Toggle Insert Mode Alt-O Degree ( ) Symbol Del Erase Character Enter today's date Block Operations Other Keys Mark/Unmark a Block Ctr-Enter End Editing Alt-M Move Marked Block Esc End Editing Alt-C Copy Marked Block Row Row of Cursor Alt-D Delete Marked Block Col Column of Cursor Page PRINTED Page Number Press for more Help with Block Operations _#^^__ _"^__ MAIN CONTACT / LAST NAME Selecting this option will give you a table listing all PRIMARY CONTACTS in alphabetical order. It will also show their COMPANY if applicable. It will not show the CONTACTS in which the last name field is blank. Various Function Keys are located at the bottom of the table. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP leMAIN UTILITIES This selection will give you another Menu of UTILITIES for various file funtions. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP MESELMENU HISTORY BY ACTIVITY Selecting this option will give you a table listing the Letters, Phone Calls and Appointments you've had with your database of Contacts. Before the Table displays you will be required to enter a Date Range and select Appoint Phone or Letter on the input fields located on the table. The date range will default to last week. The table will be displayed in date order. NOTE:This table is useful for viewing past activity, such as viewing all letters sent for a particular day to schedule follow-up. Hitting the ENTER key on the highlighted record - will take you directly to the Primary Contact Form. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP _^^__ _<^^__ lMAIN OTHER CONTACTS Selecting this option will give you a table listing all the OTHER CONTACTS. These are contacts that are somehow related to the PRIMARY CONTACT, such as Spouse Office Mgr etc. They are entered under the ACTIVITY MENU by hitting the F10 Key when in the PRIMARY CONTACT input form. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP MAIN CONTACT / COMPANY Selecting this option will give you a table listing COMPANIES in alphabetical order along with the CONTACT associated with that COMPANY. It will not include rec- ords where the COMPANY field is blank. Various Function Keys will be located at the bottom of the table. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP MAIN ZIP CODE Selecting this option will give you a table listing COMPANIES in ZIP Code order along with the CONTACT associated with that COMPANY. Various Function Keys are located at the bottom of the display table. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP HOT_MENU PERSONAL TODO'S This selection will give you a table of PERSONAL TODO'S sorted by Date. Will also show the first line of the ToDo. This section if good for recording personal things to do or things completed that aren't associated with a Contact Record. NOTE:Personal ToDo's will appear on the SCHEDULE. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP _<^^__ MANYMENU MATCHING ANY ONE DESCRIPTION Selecting this option will give you a form requesting entry of FOUR Descriptions for selecting CONTACTS. It will locate all CONTACTS that have a Description matching any ONE of the FOUR entered and print a letter to each one based on those selections. If the "Send Letters" field in the CONTACT record is "N" - a letter will not be sent to that CONTACT. Will print either the recipient first or last name as indicated in the "First or Last" field of the CONTACT record. Letters may be sent to the printer, screen or a disk file. Letters are standard 8 1/2 by 11 with top and bottom margin of 1 3/4 by 1. If the CONTACT "Last Name" field is blank - The "Position" field will print as the recipient and "Dear Sir/Madam:" as the Salutation. HINT: The selection screen is the same as the screen from the QUERY MENU. If you would like to review the CONTACTS receiving the letter prior to printing - Do your selection from the QUERY MENU first. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP _<^^__ MANYMENU MATCHING ANY ALL DESCRIPTION Selecting this option will give you a form requesting entry of FOUR Descriptions for selecting CONTACTS. It will locate all CONTACTS that have a Description matching ALL of the FOUR entered and print a letter to each one based on those selections. If the "Send Letters" field in the CONTACT record is "N" - a letter will not be sent to that CONTACT. Will print either the recipient first or last name as indicated in the "First or Last" field of the CONTACT record. Letters may be sent to the printer, screen or a disk file. Letters are standard 8 1/2 by 11 with top and bottom margin of 1 3/4 by 1. If the CONTACT "Last Name" field is blank - The "Position" field will print as the recipient and "Dear Sir/Madam:" as the Salutation. HINT: The selection screen is the same as the screen from the QUERY MENU. If you would like to review the CONTACTS receiving the letter prior to printing - Do your selection from the QUERY MENU first. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP _<^^__ 8MANYMENU CITY-STATE-ZIP-PHONE MATCH Selecting this option will give you a form requesting entry of City-State-Zip-Phone ranges for your CONTACTS. It will then locate all the CONTACTS that fall within those ranges and print a letter for each one based on those selections. If the "Send Letters" field in the CONTACT record is "N" - a letter will not be sent to that CONTACT. System will print either the recipient first or last name as indicated in the "First or Last" field of the CONTACT record. Letters may be sent to the printer, screen or a disk file. Letters are standard 8 1/2 by 11 with top and bottom margin of 1 3/4 by 1. If the CONTACT "Last Name" field is blank - The "Position" field will print as the recipient and "Dear Sir/Madam:" as the Salutation. HINT: The selection screen is the same as the screen from the QUERY MENU. If you would like to review the CONTACTS receiving the letter prior to printing - Do your selection from the QUERY MENU first. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP _<^^__ MORE_MEN NOTES Selecting this option will give you a table at the bottom of the screen, listing all NOTES made to this Primary CONTACT and will also include NOTES made to the Other CONTACTS. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP MORE_MEN OTHERS Selecting this option will give you a table at the bottom of the screen, listing all Other Contacts associated with this Primary Contact. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP MORE_MEN HISTORY Selecting this option will give you a table at the bottom of the screen, listing all History for this CONTACT. History is all "Phone Calls", "Appointments" and "Letters" sent to this Contact. History items are kept automatically by the software, when you send letters, schedule appointments and make phone calls. You may also manually add history items if desired. This would be useful if sending a letter from outside of Stay In Touch. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP MORE_MEN PRINT Selecting this option will drop down a menu for printing a letter or label for this Contact. You may also select printing of a Contact Report with or without Notes. NOTE:If a letter is printed (not viewed on screen), info will be stored in the History File with an activity of 'Letter'. No History is stored when Labels are printed. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP _<^^__ HMORE_MEN CALENDAR This selection will give you a full screen Calendar for recording your appoinntments with this CONTACT. You will also be able to view and change other appoint- ments. NOTE:Appointments set from this Calendar will be stored in the Contact History File and will also appear on the Schedule from the Main Menu. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP _<^^__ NMORE1 OMORE2 FFU_MORE CMORE5 HMORE3 PMORE4 ACTIVITY Notes Others Follow-Up Calendar History Print Ent to Select Esc to Exit ^^__^ ^^__^ ^^__^ ^^__^ ^^__^ _^^__ PRINT MENU LETTER/LABEL - Will print either a Letter or Label for this Contact. Will pop up a form requesting Letter or Label. If Letter is selected, will display a table of your letters for selection. You may add a new letter when this table is displayed. CONTACT INFO - Will print a report of this Contacts info including, Follow-up Dates, Other Contacts, Appointments, and Contact History. The report may be sent to the printer screen, or a disk file. CONTACT INFO W/NOTES - Will print the same report as above BUT will include all Notes made to this Contact. The rep- ort may be sent to the printer, screen or disk file. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _<^^_ _<^^_ _<^^_ Enter a Date for this Note. Hit the TAB KEY to Pop Up a Calendar for selection of a date. The default is today's date. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter any Notes for this Contact. You can have seperate notes for the PRIMARY and the OTHER Contacts. All notes appear under the PRIMARY CONTACT and specific notes will appear under the OTHER CONTACT. ENTER TO EXIT HELP 4<-- Enter the Parity for the modem connection. Use 'N' if unsure. Enter the Date for this ToDo in the form MM/DD/YY. Hit the TAB KEY to Pop Up a Calendar and select a date from the Calendar. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter any Notes for this Personal ToDo Record. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Answer 'N' if this is a LOCAL phone number. Answer 'Y' if a '1' has to be dialed first. This is used by the Auto Dialer to determine if this phone number is long distance within your home area code. The Area Code should be entered if required for Local Long Distance calls. The Auto Dialer will dial the Area Code if "Dial Area Code for Local LD" is answered Y in System Configuraton. ENTER TO EXIT HELP AMANYMENU PRINT LAST SELECTION Selecting this option will first ask if you want to print Letters or Lables?. If Letters is selected, it will then pop up the Letter Table for your selection. Letters or Labels will be sent to the Last Selection made from the Query or Many Letters Menu OR manually selected from the Contact/Last Name or Contact/Company Name tables by using the F5 key. You can control who should receive the letter by going to the View Last Selection table and using the F5 key to Mark/Unmark your selections. If you want to create a blank Selection Table and manual- ly mark entries - then create a Dummy Description and Select Contacts using this Dummy Description. The sel- ection process will find NO matches. You may then go to the Contact/Last Name or Contact/Company table and man- ually mark entries for inclusion with the F5 key. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP POP UP CALENDAR ARROW KEYS to move by day and week PAGE UP/DWN to move one Month ^PAGE UP/DWN to move one Year ^HOME to return to Today's Date ESC KEY to Exit Calendar ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the COM port that is connected to your modem. RPTMENU QUERY REPORT Selecting this option will print a report of the last Query you built. The report will contain the Contact Company Name, Contact Name, Full Address, Last Contact Date with Comment, Next Contact Date with Comment and the Contacts Phone Numbers. The Report may be sent to the Printer, Screen or Disk File. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP Enter the name you gave the report when it was designed in the Report Writer Package. ENTER TO EXIT HELP SHOTRPT PLR5 ALR6 HHISAN QQRYRPT LLR3 MLR4 RRWRPTS PRINT Schedule Report Phone Directory Appointments History Analysis Query Report Ltr/Lbl to Last Query Maintenance - Letters Report Writer Rpts ENTER FOR SELECTION ESC TO EXIT HELP Enter a Report Description for this Report. ENTER TO EXIT HELP Enter the path name where the report Definition is located. eg \sit\ or D:\Reports\ etc. This field may be left blank if Report Definition is located in the current directory. ENTER TO EXIT HELP REPORT SELECTION TABLE ESC to Exit back to Menu UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer PAGE UP/DWN scroll one screen CTRL PG UP/DWN scroll to begining or end ENTER KEY to change record INSERT KEY to add record DELETE KEY to delete record CONTROL/C to copy a record F4 to Print Report NOTE:The OPTIONAL Report Writer Package must be purchased to design and add reports to this list ENTER TO EXIT HELP _1^^_ Type S P or F to send the report to the Screen Printer or Disk File. If P or F is selected - When the report runs the software will ask for Printer selection or Disk File name. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _ ^^__^ RPTMENU REPORT WRITER REPORTS Selecting this option will first display a table of all your reports created with the OPTIONAL Report Writer. You may add a report to this table by hitting the insert key and describing the report on the screen form. Hit the F4 key to print any pointed-to report. Reports may be sent to the Printer, Screen or Disk File. When a report is sent to the printer - you may select the printer from the pop-up list. When reports are sent to a disk file - the software will ask for a file name. NOTE:To create reports you must purchase the optional Report Writer Package. The Report Writer will allow you to create just about any report or query you desire from STAY IN TOUCH data. But - you may also create reports from any ASCII, Dbase, DIF and Clarion data files. You may combine these file types for your own customized reports. Report Writer is menu driven with complete documentation and on-line help. It's very easy to use - even for the computer novice. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP _<^^__ VSM5 BSM1 HMENU11 QUERY View Query Table Build Query History by Activity Enter Select - Esc to Exit SELMENU BUILD QUERY Selecting this option will give you a form requesting entry of information used to build the Query. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP SELMENU VIEW QUERY TABLE Selecting this option will display another Menu allowing you to display your selections - Sorted by Company Name, Contact Last Name or Contact Zip Code. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP -<-- Enter the number of Stop Bits. Use '1' if unsure. CONTACT / LAST NAME ESC to Exit back to Menu UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer PAGE UP/DWN scrolls one screen CTRL PG UP/DWN scroll to Begining or End ENTER KEY to change record INSERT KEY to add record DELETE KEY to delete record CONTROL/C to copy a record Selected Record on Query Table F3 - AUTO DIALER - Will dial Contact Phone 1 where the Pointer is located and take you to the Contact Update Form. SHIFT/F3 - Record incoming phone call. F5 - MARK/UNMARK - Will Mark or Unmark Contacts for inclusion on the Query Table. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _1^^__ _1^^__ _1^^__ APPOINTMENTS FROM MAIN MENU ESC to Exit back to Calendar UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer ENTER KEY to change record INSERT KEY to add record DELETE KEY to delete record Appointments will also appear on the HOT LIST NOTE: If you change an appointment, the History record will reflect the change. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _1^^__ ^-__^^ _1^^_ SELECT CONTACT FOR REPORT/LETTER ESC to Exit back to Menu UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer ENTER KEY to SELECT CONTACT NOTE:Input 1st few characters of Last Name and go directly to that record. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _1^^_ LETTER MAINTENANCE ESC to Exit back to Menu UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer PAGE UP/DWN scroll one screen CTRL PG UP/DWN scroll to begining or end ENTER KEY to change record INSERT KEY to add record DELETE KEY to delete record CONTROL/C to Copy a Letter ENTER TO EXIT HELP SELECT LETTER ESC to Exit back to Menu UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer PAGE UP/DWN scroll one screen CTRL PG UP/DWN scroll to begining or end ENTER KEY to SELECT LETTER INSERT KEY to Add Letter F10 KEY to Change Letter CONTROL/C to Copy a Letter ENTER TO EXIT HELP PERSONAL TODO'S ESC to Exit back to Menu UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer PAGE UP/DWN scroll one screen CTRL PG UP/DWN scroll to begining or end ENTER KEY to Change Record INSERT KEY to Add Record DELETE KEY to Delete Record These ToDo's also appear on the SCHEDULE F2 KEY - Will display a Pop Up Calendar ENTER TO EXIT HELP NOTES ESC to Exit back to Form UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer PAGE UP/DWN scroll one screen CTRL PG UP/DWN scroll to begining or end ENTER KEY to change record INSERT KEY to add record DELETE KEY to delete record NOTE: This table shows all Notes made to this PRIMARY CONTACT and includes all Notes made to OTHER CONTACTS. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _1^^_ OTHERS ESC to Exit back to Form UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer PAGE UP/DWN scroll one screen CTRL PG UP/DWN scroll to begining or end ENTER KEY to change record INSERT KEY to add record DELETE KEY to delete record NOTE:These are other related contacts to the PRIMARY CONTACT. eg spouse, office mgr etc. Letters CAN NOT be sent to OTHER CONTACTS. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _1^^_ CONTACT NOTES ESC to Exit back to Form UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer ENTER KEY to change record INSERT KEY to add record DELETE KEY to delete record NOTE: This table shows all Notes made to only this particular CONTACT. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _1^^_ APPOINTMENTS FROM PRIMARY CONTACT FORM ESC to Exit back to Calendar UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer ENTER KEY to change record INSERT KEY to add record DELETE KEY to delete record Appointments will also appear on the SCHEDULE NOTE: If you change or delete an appointment, the associated History record will reflect the appropriate action. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _1^^__ ^-__^^ _1^^_ CONTACT / COMPANY ESC to Exit back to Menu UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer PAGE UP/DWN to scroll one screen CTRL PG UP/DWN scroll to beginning or end ENTER KEY to change record INSERT KEY to add record DELETE KEY to delete record CONTROL/C to copy a record Selected Record on Query Table F3 - AUTO DIALER - Will dial Contact Phone 1 where the Pointer is located and take you to the Contact Update Form. SHIFT/F3 - Record incoming phone call F5 - MARK/UNMARK - Will Mark or Unmark Contacts for inclusion on the Query Table. Marked Contacts will have a in front of their name. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _1^^__ _1^^__ _1^^__ OTHER CONTACTS ESC to Exit back to Menu UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer PAGE UP/DWN scroll one screen CTRL PG UP/DWN scroll to begining or end ENTER KEY to change record DELETE KEY to delete record No Insert Allowed on This Table HINT: Enter the first few characters of the last name to go directly to that record. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _1^^__ DESCRIPTIONS ESC to Exit back to Menu UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer PAGE UP/DWN scroll one screen CTRL PG UP/DWN scroll to begining or end ENTER KEY to select record INSERT KEY to add record DELETE KEY to delete record HINT: Enter the first few characters of the Description to go directly to that record. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _1^^__ HISTORY ESC to Exit back to Menu UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer PAGE UP/DWN scroll one screen CTRL PG UP/DWN scroll to begining or end ENTER KEY to change record DELETE KEY to delete record INSERT KEY to add record NOTE: This table shows all "Appointments" "Phone Calls" and "Letters" sent to this Contact. ENTER TO EXIT HELP _1^^__ HISTORY BY ACTIVITY ESC to Exit back to Entry Field UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS to Move Pointer PAGE UP/DWN scroll one screen CTRL PG UP/DWN scroll to begining or end ENTER KEY to change primary record DELETE KEY to delete record No Insert Allowed on This Table Hitting the ENTER key will take you directly to the Primary Contact Form. F2 KEY - Will display a Pop Up Calendar ENTER TO EXIT HELP UTHELP UPDATE CALENDAR TODO'S This procedure will update (change) all the ToDo items on the Calendar. ToDo's are every- thing except Appointments. ToDo's with a date Less Than or Equal To TODAY'S DATE will be changed to the date you input. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP RUUTHELP Execute RUN.BAT File Selecting this options will execute a Batch file called RUN.BAT. You need to create this batch file. You can include any program you want to run within this batch file. To run Lotus 123 the batch file would look something like this: cd\123 (Changes directory to Lotus) 123 (Runs Lotus) cd\sit (Returns to SIT dir after Lotus) exit (Returns to STAY IN TOUCH) NOTE:You should understand the concept of batch files before executing this feature. Please read your DOS Manual for more info on creating batch files. IMPORTANT:The name of the batch file MUST BE RUN.BAT or this option will not work. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP _1^^__ _1^^__ hUTHELP System Configuration Selecting this options will give you a form to fill-in for configuring your system to use the Auto Dialing features and control the printing of letters. The Auto Dialer may be executed at any of the Primary Contact Tables or Primary Contact Forms by hitting the F3 key. If you do not have a modem or choose not to use the Auto Dialer - Answer 'N' to the first question on the Configuration form (Use Phone Dialer). If you are NOT using pre-printed letter head, type your name and address in the five lines provided and STAY IN TOUCH will print these at the top of each letter printed. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP UUPLASTDA HDELHISH NDELNOTEH GGODOS EUT3 SUT4 UTILITIES Update Calendar ToDos History Delete Notes Delete Go to Dos Execute RUN.BAT File System Configuration ENTER FOR SELECTION ESC TO EXIT HELP HOT_MENU TABLE VIEW OF SCHEDULE This is a table display of all your scheduled activity - NEXT CONTACT DATE - FOLLOW-UP DATES - PERSONAL NOTE DATE and APPOINTMENT DATES. The table will be displayed for the requested date range. Active Function Keys will be located at the bottom of the Table Display. After the Table is displayed - records may be changed or deleted by placing the pointer on desired record, hitting the ENTER or DELETE KEYS. You may also add Appointments for contacts NOT in your Database by hitting the INSERT KEY (Add Appointments for Contacts WITHIN your database under their update form). You may also add Personal ToDo's by hitting CNTRL/P. If you wish to view the Primary Contact record for Appoint- ments and Follow-Up Dates - Hit the F10 KEY. NOTE: When deleting Next Contact records - the Primary Contact is NOT deleted - The Next Contact Date and comment is blanked and the Schedule item is deleted. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP _<^^_ OHOT_MENU CALENDAR VIEW OF SCHEDULE This option will display a Calendar. Each day of the Cal- endar will show the count of your Appointments and ToDo's. You may view the schedule for any day by placing the point- er on the day of the week and hit the Enter Key. A Table view of your schedule will then be displayed for that day. Active Function Keys will be located at the bottom of the table. After the Table is displayed - records may be changed or deleted by placing the pointer on desired record, hitting the ENTER or DELETE KEYS. You may also add Appointments for contacts NOT in your Database by hitting the INSERT KEY (Add Appointments for Contacts WITHIN your database under their update form). You may also add Personal ToDo's by hitting CNTRL/P. NOTE: When deleting Next Contact records - the Contact is NOT deleted - only the Next Contact Date is blanked and the Schedule item is deleted. ENTER TO RETURN OR ESC TO EXIT HELP _<^^_ &<-- Select the Top Margin for Letters. Assumes 6 lines per inch. Calculated from the top of your page or from where the first line is printed by your printer. Some printers do not start at the very top of the page. 1 1000 T 2 3 Y APP1 APP10 APP2 APP3 # APP4 APP5 / APP6 APP7 ? APP8 K APP9 ATSTRING BAUD x BHOT CALENDAR CFGUSE CFG_HLP COM1 COM10 y# COM11 6% COM16 g' COM17 z) COM18 >* COM19 1+ COM2 COM20 COM21 f. COM21B COM22 COM24 -2 COM25 >4 COM26 >5 COM3 S7 COM4 COM5 COM6 COM7 b: COM8 COM9 {@ CON1 CON11 TC CON12 CON2 fE CON3 "F CON4 CON5 CON6 CTRY